BSN Micro-i Madani Nita is a micro financing facility offered which is aimed to micro women entrepreneurs which is aimed to provide financial assistance for those intending to expand their businesses.
Financing Purpose: Working Capital, Capital Expenditure and Renovation
Financing Tenure: 1 to 5 years
Financing Amount:
Minimum: RM5,000
Maximum: RM50,000
Fixed rate: 4.00% per annum
Women-owned Micro enterprises (Sole Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Limited Liability Partnership / Private Limited) (i.e., at least 51% owned and operated by women Malaysian citizens.).
Malaysian owned business.
Self-employed including professionals (Accountant, Doctor, Lawyer).
Business registered with Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM)/ Local Authority (LA)/ Professional Body/ Agency (for professionals only).
Business has been in operation for at least 6 months.
Required Documents
A copy of Identification Card of Proprietor/ Partners/ all Directors (if any).
A valid Business Registration certificate with Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM)/ Business License with Local Authority (LA)/ Professional body registration and certificate of practice (for professionals only).
Latest three (3) months of Bank Account Statement.
A copy of electricity and water bills of the business premises.