Digital Grant
Penjaja MADANI (GDPjM)

The grant offers up to RM1,000 per entity for subscribing to services from selected Digitalisation Partners. Grants are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

One-off Grant amounting RM1,000 from total invoice amount

Great deals on digital solutions from a wide list of panels listed by MDEC

Digitalization area: Electronic Point of Sale System (e-POS)


Digital Grant Penjaja MADANI (GDPjM) - background picture
Immobile : Vendors who operate permanent stalls in public or private areas, displaying goods for sale (including food and beverages).
Mobile: Vendors who travel from one location to another, with or without vehicles, displaying goods for sale (including food and beverages).
Temporary: Vendors who operate temporary stalls in specific locations, including seasonal fruit stalls, promotional stalls for celebrations/festivals, night markets/daily markets/farmers’ markets.


Pickup Web App Directory


Cashless Payment System

Grant application process:

Stage 1

Application & Selection
Street vendors can apply for the grant with supporting document through our online portal (CLICK HERE)

Stage 2

Approval Process
1. Funding Societies will review the applications (1 month). Approved street vendors will be notified via email.
2. Axaipay will review the applications (2-3 months). Approved street vendors will be sent Axaipay login details via email.

Stage 3

Service Delivery
Upon approval, BeanSE will deliver the digital services to the street vendors.

Stage 4

BeanSE will provide ONLINE TRAINING for street vendors, to introduce them to the platform.